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Care Services

carehome, nursing and medical services directory

Cornerstone Surgery, Atlas Street, St. Helens.

Cornerstone Surgery in Atlas Street, St. Helens is a Doctors/GP specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, maternity and midwifery services, services for everyone and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 5th May 2020

Cornerstone Surgery is managed by Cornerstone Surgery.

Contact Details:


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: Good
Effective: Good
Caring: Good
Responsive: Good
Well-Led: Good
Overall: Good

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2020-05-05
    Last Published 2015-05-08

Local Authority:

    St. Helens

Link to this page:

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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

10th March 2015 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice

This is the report of findings from our inspection of Cornerstone Surgery which is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide primary care services.

We undertook a planned, comprehensive inspection on 10th March 2015 at the practice location in Fingerpost Park Health Centre. We spoke with patients, staff and the practice management team.

The practice was rated as Good. A safe, caring, effective, responsive and well- led service was provided that met the needs of the population it served.

Our key findings were as follows:-

  • There were systems in place to protect patients from avoidable harm, such as from the risks associated with medicines and infection control. There were clear processes in place to investigate and act upon any incident and to share learning with staff to mitigate future risk.

  • Patients care needs were assessed and care and treatment was being considered in line with best practice national guidelines. Staff were proactive in promoting good health and referrals were made to other agencies to ensure patients received the treatments they needed.

  • Feedback from patients showed they were very happy with the care given by all staff. They felt listened to, treated with dignity and respect and involved in decision making around their care and treatment.

  • The practice planned its services to meet the differing needs of patients. The practice encouraged patients to give their views about the services offered and made changes as a consequence.

  • There was a clear leadership structure in place. Quality and performance were monitored, risks were identified and managed. The practice ensured that staff had access to learning and improvement opportunities.

We saw an area of outstanding practice:-

  • The practice had set up a GP service for the homeless. Homeless patients were able to register with the practice and the clinicians regularly saw these patients when they were unwell and provided them with health screening and health promotion services. The practice supported homeless patients to attend hospital appointments. For example, hospital appointment letters were sent to the practice and liaison took place with community homeless services to identify a person to accompany the patient to the appointment.

There were areas of practice where the provider needs to make improvements.

The provider should:

  • Make a record of the physical and mental fitness of staff during the recruitment process.

Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP) 

Chief Inspector of General Practice



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