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Care Services

carehome, nursing and medical services directory

Hadley Lawns Care Home, Hadley Highstone, Barnet.

Hadley Lawns Care Home in Hadley Highstone, Barnet is a Nursing home specialising in the provision of services relating to accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care, caring for adults over 65 yrs and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 16th October 2019

Hadley Lawns Care Home is managed by Bupa Care Homes (CFChomes) Limited who are also responsible for 27 other locations

Contact Details:

      Hadley Lawns Care Home
      Kitts End Road
      Hadley Highstone
      EN5 4QE
      United Kingdom


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: Good
Effective: Good
Caring: Good
Responsive: Good
Well-Led: Good
Overall: Good

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2019-10-16
    Last Published 2017-03-23

Local Authority:


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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

21st February 2017 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

This inspection took place on 21 February 2017 and was unannounced. At our last inspection in October 2014 the service was rated as good.

Hadley Lawns residential and nursing home provides accommodation, nursing and personal care for up to 44 older people, some of whom have dementia. The ground floor supports people with residential care needs and the first floor supports people who also have nursing needs. On the day of our visit there were 41 people living in the home.

There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with CQC to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

People were positive about the service and the staff who supported them. People told us they liked the staff and that they were treated with dignity and kindness.

Staff treated people with respect and as individuals with different needs and preferences. Staff understood that people’s diversity was important and something that needed to be upheld and valued. Relatives we spoke with said they felt welcome at any time in the home; they felt involved in care planning and were confident that their comments and concerns would be acted upon. The care records contained detailed information about how to provide support, what the person liked, disliked and their preferences. People who used the service along with families and friends had completed a life history with information about what was important to people. The staff we spoke with told us this information helped them to understand the person.

The care staff demonstrated a good knowledge of people’s care needs, significant people and events in their lives, and their daily routines and preferences. They also understood the provider’s safeguarding procedures and could explain how they would protect people if they had any concerns.

Risk assessments were in place for a number of areas and were regularly updated, and staff had a good knowledge and understanding of many complex health conditions.

There were sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff to care for the number of people with complex needs in the home.

Robust recruitment and selection procedures were in place and appropriate checks had been undertaken before staff began work. Medicines were managed safely. Staff had detailed guidance to follow when administering medicines. Staff completed extensive training to ensure that the care provided to people was safe and effective.

People were satisfied with the food provided at the home and the support they received in relation to nutrition and hydration.

There was an open and transparent culture and encouragement for people to provide feedback. The provider took account of complaints and comments to improve the service. A complaints book, policy and procedure were in place. People told us they were aware of how to make a complaint and were confident they could express any concerns and these would be addressed.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) provides a legal framework for making particular decisions on behalf of people who may lack the mental capacity to do so for themselves. The Act requires that as far as possible people make their own decisions and are helped to do so when needed. When they lack mental capacity to take particular decisions, any made on their behalf must be in their best interests and as least restrictive as possible.

People can only be deprived of their liberty to receive care and treatment when this is in their best interests and legally authorised under the MCA.The application procedures for this in care homes and hospitals are called the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).We found that the service was working within the principles of the MCA, and conditions on authorisations to deprive people o

29th October 2014 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

This inspection took place on 29 and 31 October 2014 and was unannounced. At our last inspection in November 2013 the service had met all the regulations we looked at. Hadley Lawns Residential and Nursing Home provides accommodation, nursing and personal care for up to 44 older people, some of whom have dementia. The ground floor supports people with residential care needs and the first floor supports people who also have nursing needs. On the day of our visit there were 37 people living in the home.

There was a registered manager in post but they were away during our inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

We were assisted throughout the two days of the inspection by the deputy manager and the regional quality manager.

People were positive about the service and the staff who supported them. One person told us, “Most staff are very caring here.” We saw people being treated with warmth and kindness. Staff were aware of people’s individual needs and how they were to meet these needs. Relatives we spoke with were also positive about the service, staff and management. One relative told us, “This home is marvellous, I love it, I’m absolutely confident that they take care of my mum when I’m away.”

People who needed assistance to eat and drink were well supported at lunchtime and were encouraged to make choices about what they ate and drank. The care staff we spoke with demonstrated a good knowledge of people’s care needs, significant people and events in their lives, and their daily routines and preferences. They also understood the provider’s safeguarding procedures and could explain how they would protect people if they had any concerns.

Staff told us they enjoyed working in the home and many of the staff we spoke with had worked in the home for a number of years. One member of staff told us that morale had improved since the new manager had been in post. “Things are so much better; we work better as a team.” Staff said they felt valued and included in decisions about people’s care.

The registered manager had been in place since January 2014. She provided good leadership and people using the service, relatives and staff told us the manager promoted very high standards of care. One person told us “The manager is good,” and “She does listen to what you have to say and has made changes.” Comments from relatives included “The manager has made changes since she has been here and things are better.” and “The manager seemed to have improved standards.”

People were cared for by staff who were supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard. Staff received appropriate training and professional development

People were able to make choices. Where they lacked the capacity to do so decisions were made in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is required by law to monitor the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). There were no DoLS authorisations currently in place; however the registered manager knew the correct procedures to follow to ensure people’s rights were protected.

10th December 2013 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made pdf icon

At our inspection on 7 October 2013 we found the service had failed to ensure people’s care and treatment needs were met. As the concerns we identified had a major impact on people's health and wellbeing we issued a warning notice on the provider.

At this inspection we found that a number of improvements had been made to the overall care and treatment provided by the home. The relief manager had reviewed and updated care provided and care plans, rearranged staffing rotas to better meet people's needs, regularly met with people and their relatives to discuss changes required in the home and introduced a broader range of appropriate activities. People and staff we spoke with told us that their experiences of the changes introduced had been positive. We were told "I'm now perfectly happy here," "staff are much happier in the home, everyone pulls together" and "it's much better here."

7th October 2013 - During an inspection in response to concerns pdf icon

We undertook a responsive inspection to review the progress the home had made in implementing recommendations following a number of safeguarding alerts and investigations by the local authority in 2013. We spoke with 12 people using the service and three people's relatives across the ground and upper floors of the home. People we spoke with told us that most staff "work extremely hard" and one person felt the home had "a pleasant atmosphere." However, a number of people were unhappy with the care provided. We observed that people's requests and needs were not being met, despite the fact that all staff we saw were busy throughout the day. One person told us "I don't have much to look forward to, it's miserable for me." In relation to being given timely assistance, another person's relative told us "the care worker did their best, it's not their fault that there is just not enough staff."

We found that care was not being planned and delivered in a way that met people's individual needs. We saw that people's care records did not always provide guidance for staff to meet the needs of people effectively. The provider was failing to protect people from the risks associated with incontinence, malnutrition and pressure ulcers. We have shared our concerns with the commissioners at the host local authority.

We also checked the equipment used within the home and found there were effective systems in place to ensure enough, suitable equipment was available and maintained.

21st May 2013 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made pdf icon

During our inspection on 30 November 2012 we had concerns regarding the how people were involved in their care and respect, staff support and training and the systems for quality assurance. We asked the provider to take actions and we undertook this inspection to check whether improvements had been made. We noted that there had been some changes.

People spoken with told us they felt staff members were good, one person said, "they are kind." Another person told us, "they take their time." We saw that staff interactions were friendly, caring and respectful. Dementia and dignity and respect training had been delivered to staff. Most staff had attended training required by the provider and had received recent supervisions. We saw that a new system was in place to ensure that reviews of incidents and quality auditing was carried out to assess the service provided.

30th November 2012 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

We spoke with five people who use the service. Some people were positive about the service and the care provided. Comments included, “I’d say I'm quite happy here.” We observed staff supporting people in a professional way.

We found that some people were not involved in the care delivered to them. We found that some people had no stimulation for long periods. We also found that care staff did not always treat people with a sufficient understanding of their care needs or with sufficient dignity.

Care plans reflected people's current needs. Care planning processes included consideration of people’s capacity to make decisions. People told us that they felt safe with the staff who supported them.

Some staff did not receive appropriate training to work with people who use the service. We also found that the organisation was not always monitoring the quality of the service in line with its own procedures.

There has been no registered manager working at the service since April 2012. This is a breach of the provider’s registration condition for Hadley Lawns Residential and Nursing Home. We are writing to the provider separately about this.

14th May 2012 - During an inspection in response to concerns pdf icon

During this inspection we spoke to four people who use the service and two relatives. They indicated that they were satisfied with the care provided and they informed us that the needs of people who use the service had been responded to. They expressed confidence in staff and told us that staff had treated them with respect and dignity. Two professionals who visited the home were of the opinion that their clients were well cared for and they expressed no concerns. There was a variety of therapeutic and social activities organised for people who use the service. This was confirmed by those we spoke to.

People who use the service indicated that staff were responsive and attentive towards them. Some staff indicated that the staffing levels were adequate while others indicated that it was inadequate at times and this placed them under pressure. Some staff suggested that an extra nurse was needed during the day shifts to ensure that nurses are able to attend to the nursing needs of people who use the service.

People who use the service said they were happy with the accommodation and facilities provided. We noted that the home was clean, tidy and had been re-furnished to a high standard. We however, noted that one of the balconies was damaged and in need of repairs.

15th December 2011 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

People who use the service and their relatives expressed satisfaction with the care provided and they indicated that the needs of people who use the service had been attended to. They spoke highly of staff and stated that staff had treated them with respect and dignity.

We observed that people who use the service were regularly supervised by staff and well cared for. Staff were noted to be interacting with people in a gentle and friendly manner.

People who use the service said they were happy with the accommodation and facilities provided. We noted that the home was clean, tidy and newly re-furnished to a high standard. The required health and safety checks and inspections had been carried out.

We noted that there was a good variety of therapeutic and social activities organised for people who use the service. This ensures that people who use the service are stimulated.

We were able to speak to relatives and a healthcare professional. The feedback received was positive and indicated that people who use the service were well cared for and their healthcare needs had been attended to.

There are suitable arrangements in place for monitoring the quality of service provided and ensure that feedback is obtained from people who use the service.



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