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Care Services

carehome, nursing and medical services directory

Individual Care Services - 60 Ward Grove, Myton, Warwick.

Individual Care Services - 60 Ward Grove in Myton, Warwick is a Residential home specialising in the provision of services relating to accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care and learning disabilities. The last inspection date here was 17th October 2018

Individual Care Services - 60 Ward Grove is managed by Individual Care Services who are also responsible for 4 other locations

Contact Details:


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: Good
Effective: Good
Caring: Good
Responsive: Good
Well-Led: Good
Overall: Good

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2018-10-17
    Last Published 2018-10-17

Local Authority:


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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

1st October 2018 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

We inspected this service on 1 October 2018. The inspection was announced and carried out by one inspector.

The service is a ‘care home’ operated by Individual Care Services. 60 Ward Grove provides accommodation with personal care for up to three adults. People cared for at the home are living with learning disabilities, and complex health and physical disabilities. People in care homes receive accommodation and personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection. At the time of our inspection visit, there were two people living at the home.

There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons.’ Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

At the last inspection in June 2016 all five key areas were rated as Good. At this inspection we found the quality of care had been maintained and people continued to receive a service that was safe, caring, effective and responsive to their needs. The rating continues to be Good.

There were enough staff on shift with the appropriate level of skills, experience and support to meet people’s needs and provide effective care. Risk management plans were in place. Staff knew what action to take in the event of an emergency and had been trained in first aid.

Staff understood their responsibilities to protect people from the risks of abuse. Staff had been trained in what constituted abuse and would raise concerns under the provider’s safeguarding policies. The provider checked staff’s suitability to deliver care and support during the recruitment process. Staff received training and used their skills, knowledge and experience to provide safe care to people.

People were encouraged and supported to maintain good health. Staff frequently liaised with other healthcare professionals. People received their prescribed medicines in a safe way.

Staff worked within the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The registered manager understood their responsibilities under the Act. They had applied to the supervisory authority for the right to deprive two people of their liberty when their care and support included restrictions in the person's best interests.

Staff supported people in a kind and compassionate way. Relatives felt staff were caring. People had varying levels of communication which were largely through gestures and non-verbal communication. These had been assessed so staff knew the appropriate communication methods to enable people to express themselves non-verbally, and make choices about day to day things such as what to wear.

People had detailed individual care and support plans which provided staff with the information they needed to respond to people’s needs. Staff recognised people as individuals and care was given in a person-centred way. This included people being supported with various activities both inside and outside the home.

The registered manager and deputy manager regularly checked the quality of the service to make sure people's needs were met safely and effectively. Feedback about the service was encouraged. The provider and registered manager understood their regulatory responsibilities and worked with other organisations and healthcare professionals to ensure positive outcomes for the people who lived at the home.

Further information is in the detailed findings below.

1st June 2016 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

We inspected Ward Grove 1 June 2016 and the inspection visit was unannounced.

The service was last inspected in December 2013 when we found the provider was compliant with the essential standards described in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.

Ward Grove provides accommodation for people in a residential setting and is registered to provide care for up to 3 people with learning disabilities. There were 3 people living at the home when we inspected the service.

A requirement of the provider’s registration is that they have a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run. There was an experienced registered manager in post at the time of our inspection visit who had been at the service for several years. We refer to the registered manager as the manager in the body of this report.

People felt safe using the service and there were processes to minimise risks to people’s safety. These included procedures to manage identified risks with people’s care. Care staff understood how to protect people from abuse and keep people safe. The character and suitability of care staff was checked during recruitment procedures to make sure, as far as possible, they were safe to work with people who used the service.

There were enough care staff to deliver the care and support people required. Staff were caring and respected people’s choices about how they wanted to receive their care.

Care staff received an induction when they started working for the service and completed regular training to support them in meeting people’s needs effectively. People told us care staff had the right skills to provide the care and support they required. Support plans and risk assessments contained relevant information for staff to help them provide the care people needed in a way they preferred.

People received medicines safely by trained and competent staff. Where people’s needs changed they were cared for effectively, and people had access to health care professionals when required.

Staff were supported by managers through regular meetings. There was an out of hours’ on call system in operation which ensured management support and advice was always available for staff. The managers understood the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA), and care staff respected people’s decisions and gained people’s consent before they provided personal care.

Staff, people and their relatives felt the manager was approachable. Communication was encouraged and identified concerns were acted upon by the manager and provider. People knew how to complain and information about making a complaint was available for people. Care staff said they could raise any concerns or issues with the managers, knowing they would be listened to and acted on.

There were systems to monitor and review the quality of service people received and to understand the experiences of people who used the service. This was through regular communication with people and staff, returned surveys and a programme of other checks and audits. Where issues had been identified, the provider acted to make improvements.

12th December 2013 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

On the day of our inspection people were unable to tell us in detail about their experiences of the service due to their complex support needs. We therefore spoke with two family members and observed the care being provided to people. We also spoke with three staff members and the manager who supported people.

We found people and family members were involved with giving their consent regarding the planning of care of people using the service.

Relatives we spoke with told us that the care that was discussed with them matched the care that was being provided to people using the service. They also told us they were regularly kept up to date about the changes made to people's care.

We saw that the care plans were person centred and reflected people’s individual needs. We observed that staff were compassionate and caring when supporting people. We found there were risk assessments available to inform staff on how to manage any identified risks for people.

We noted the home was clean and there was a cleaning schedule which staff followed. We saw checks were made to review the cleanliness of the home.

We saw the provider ensured that the appropriate checks were undertaken before a new member of staff was employed. The manager showed us the induction plan which new staff had to complete during their employment at 60 Ward Grove.

We found the service was well led and had systems in place to monitor the quality of service being provided.

31st December 2012 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

During the inspection we used a ‘Short Observational Framework for Inspection’ (SOFI) as the people who use this service have very limited verbal communication skills. Staff were seen to be polite, respectful and friendly towards the people they cared for. Systems were also in place allowing people and their relatives to communicate their experiences of the home and the care provided. The outcome of the July 2012 survey confirmed that the majority of ratings given for each question asked in the survey had been identified as ‘excellent.’

We saw people's needs had been assessed, risks identified and personalised plans of care developed. There was evidence of support by healthcare professionals to ensure people's ongoing healthcare needs were met. We observed that although reviews of people’s care plans had taken place these changes had not been incorporated into the person’s associated care plan. This could put the person at risk as the updated care had not been reflected within the person’s live care plan.

During the inspection we spoke with the senior care worker and one other care worker.

Both said there had been sufficient staff available to accommodate people’s needs and that the staff worked well as a team. We saw staff were supported through attendance at staff supervision, yearly staff appraisal and at staff meetings.

17th August 2011 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

The people who use this service have very limited verbal communication skills. We used a variety of methods to understand their experiences of living in the home which included observations of their interactions with staff and each other as well as talking to the manager and staff on duty. We also spoke with three relatives by telephone.

We saw that people were clearly at ease, relaxed and comfortable in their environment, as well as with each other and the staff on duty. We observed lots of laughter and smiles. We saw that although people may not have been able to join in conversations or respond verbally to questions or comments made to them they were able to participate through the use of facial expression, gestures, movements and the occasional appropriate words.

Further observations confirmed that the people living in the home were clearly at the centre of everything that took place. This was confirmed by an associated healthcare professional during the organisations annual quality survey undertaken in April of this year, “The clients are at the centre of everything that takes place….the staff are totally focused on clients needs”

We spoke with three relatives of the people using the service for this review. They told us that their family members were very well looked after and cared for, “We’re delighted, X is always happy when we go, they’re always dressed well and looks well kept as do Yand Z”. We were also told that people were provided with lots of activities and opportunities to go out and about, “Y gets a very good service, he does a lot of things, and isn’t just left watching television”, and that the home was always clean and tidy and that they felt that they were always made welcome when they visited. “The home is always nice and clean, we’re always made welcome and can visit whenever we want”

The manager and the two members of staff on duty were able to tell us about the individual needs of the people using the services, and demonstrated through their actions that they were aware of the information in people’s support plans. They also clearly knew how to communicate with each person and responded to what they were either trying to say or ask appropriately.

We asked two of the people living in the home if they were happy there, one responded by smiling and nodding their head, whilst the other smiled, nodded and said “yes”.



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