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Care Services

carehome, nursing and medical services directory

Lyndon House, Olton, Solihull.

Lyndon House in Olton, Solihull is a Long-term condition specialising in the provision of services relating to caring for children (0 - 18yrs) and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 17th April 2014

Lyndon House is managed by Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust who are also responsible for 18 other locations

Contact Details:


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Effective: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Caring: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Responsive: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Well-Led: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Overall: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2014-04-17
    Last Published 2014-04-17

Local Authority:


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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

22nd January 2014 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

Lyndon House in Solihull is a respite service for up to seven children with learning disabilities, behaviours that can challenge and additional physical health needs.

We found that the service provided safe, caring and effective care to children. Staff were trained and experienced and showed high levels of motivation and commitment. There was a consistent staff team as many of the staff had worked at Lyndon House for many years. We saw staff supporting children in a very positive and reassuring way. All staff showed a good knowledge of the needs of individual children and how to meet them, which led to a responsive and well-managed service.

Parents of the children who used the home were very positive about the service they received.

Lyndon House’s needs-led approach to bed occupancy ensured they can manage the needs of the children there at any particular time. This enabled children’s care to be met by sufficient numbers of staff, in a safe environment where their needs would not conflict with those of others.



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