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Care Services

carehome, nursing and medical services directory

Pendleton Court Care Home, Chaseley Road, Salford.

Pendleton Court Care Home in Chaseley Road, Salford is a Nursing home specialising in the provision of services relating to accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care, caring for adults over 65 yrs, caring for adults under 65 yrs, dementia, physical disabilities and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 21st June 2019

Pendleton Court Care Home is managed by HC-One Limited who are also responsible for 129 other locations

Contact Details:


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: Good
Effective: Good
Caring: Good
Responsive: Good
Well-Led: Good
Overall: Good

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2019-06-21
    Last Published 2017-04-04

Local Authority:


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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

5th January 2017 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made pdf icon

Pendleton Court is a large converted house situated in an elevated position at the rear of a residential estate. Accommodation is across two floors. Bedrooms are for single occupancy and have en-suite facilities. The home has three units including general nursing, residential and dementia. A passenger lift provides access to each floor. The home is within walking distance of a local park and shops. It is also close to the local bus routes into Manchester city centre and Salford/Eccles and is close to the motorway network.

This unannounced focused inspection took place on Thursday 05 January 2017. Our last full comprehensive inspection at Pendleton Court was in September 2016 where the home was rated as ‘Good’ in each of the five key questions against which we inspected. These included Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led. This full comprehensive report from this inspection can be found on our website at .

Following this inspection, we received information of concern relating to two areas; management of pressure sores and management of pain. This focused inspection was conducted to look at these two areas and this report is based around these findings only. As such, we have reported only on the ‘Safe’ and ‘Well-led’ key questions.

There had been a failure to send us a notification about the concerns relating to a grade four pressure sore in May 2016. We are following this up outside the inspection process. The registered manager told us they were aware that notifications of this nature should have been submitted. Since this time the home has consistently sent notifications to the CQC about all other incidents such as deaths, serious injuries and safeguarding incidents.

We looked at how the home cared for people who had, or were deemed to be at risk of developing pressure sores and found good systems were in place. People’s skin was assessed on admission with any marks or areas of potential skin break down recorded on a body map. This would enable staff to monitor people’s skin if there were concerns and take necessary action. The feedback from people living at the home who needed assistance to re-position, was that it was done well by staff.

We found ‘waterlow’ risk assessments were also undertaken for each person. This meant staff could respond accordingly if people were deemed to be at risk. Where people were deemed to be at risk, action for staff was recorded in the skin integrity care plans.

We looked at 13 skin integrity care plans during the inspection. This provided an overview of each person’s skin and the care staff needed to provide to help keep people safe. There was also accompanying information for staff to refer to about how frequently people needed to be turned/re-positioned, any equipment to be used and what to do if they had concerns.

Where required, we saw people received adequate pressure relief during the day and at night with accurate records maintained by staff. This provided people with the pressure relief they needed if they were unable to manoeuvre themselves in either their chair or when they were in bed. When people were re-positioned, staff also made a record of if their skin was intact.

Several people living at the home required the use of specialist equipment such as pressure relieving cushions and mattresses to help keep their skin safe. Where this requirement had been identified, we checked in bedrooms and lounge areas and saw this equipment had been provided for people. One pressure relieving mattress we checked was at the wrong setting and we immediately raised this with the manager who rectified this.

We found people received visits and that the home worked closely with services such as District Nurses. People’s care records clearly detailed when District Nurses had visited and if creams were applied to people’s skin or dressings were changed or applied.

We looked at how the home managed people’s pain. We found each person’s Medicati

23rd September 2016 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

This unannounced inspection took place on Friday 23 September 2016.

The home is a large converted mansion house situated in an elevated position at the rear of a residential estate. The home is registered with CQC to provide care for up to 58 older people. Accommodation is on three floors in single en-suite bedrooms. A passenger lift provides access to each floor. The home is within walking distance of a local park and shops. It is also close to the local bus routes into Manchester city centre and Salford/Eccles and is close to the motorway network. There are three units at the home including nursing, residential and dementia. On the day of the inspection there were 25 people living on the nursing unit, 24 people living on the residential and nine people living on the dementia unit. As a result the home was at full occupancy.

We last inspected Pendleton Court Care Home on 04 June 2015, when the home was rated as ‘Requires Improvement’ overall and in the Safe, Effective and Well-led key questions. During that inspection we identified a breach of regulation with regards to staffing levels. We also found a breach and issued a warning notice with regards to medication. This inspection focussed on whether improvements had been made since the last inspection. We found at this inspection that the action required to address the breaches had been completed.

People living at the home told us they felt safe living at Pendleton Court. The staff we spoke with had a good understanding of safeguarding, whistleblowing and how to report any concerns.

We found medication was now being given to people safely, ensuring people weren’t placed at risk. Both the manager and provider also undertook regular audits to ensure there were no shortfalls in practice.

Staff were recruited safely with references from previous employers being sought and DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) checks undertaken.

There were sufficient staff working at the home to meet people’s needs. Feedback from people living at the home, visitors and staff was that staffing levels were sufficient. Staff in particular, told us there were now enough staff working at the home to look after people safely.

Staff received an induction when they started working at the home, as well as receiving appropriate training and supervision to support them in their role.

The home worked within the requirements of the MCA (Mental Capacity Act), with the manager completing appropriate assessments if there were concerns about a person’s capacity. The home also worked within the requirements of DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) and supported people to access outside space, whilst keeping them safe at the same time.

We saw people received enough to eat and drink, with people also making positive comments about the food provided at the home.

All of the people we spoke with during the inspection including people living at the home, visitors and health professionals made positive comments about the care provided.

People told us they felt staff treated them with dignity and respect and promoted their independence where possible.

We observed several caring interactions during the inspection between staff and people living at the home, such as when people became distressed and upset.

People felt the home was responsive to their needs and we saw examples of staff doing this during the inspection.

Each person living at the home had their own care plan, which was person centred and detailed people’s choices and personal preferences.

There was a complaints procedure in place which allowed people to voice their concerns if they were unhappy with the service they received. There were no active complaints at the time of the inspection.

All of the people we spoke with told us they felt the service was well-led and that they felt listened to and could approach the management with concerns.

There were systems in place to monitor the quality of service such as audits, resident meetings, staff mee

4th June 2015 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

This unannounced inspection took place on 4 June 2015.

Pendleton Court care home is located in Salford, Greater Manchester and is owned by HC-One Ltd. The home is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to provide care for up to 58 people. There are three separate units at the home, each providing care to people with residential, nursing and dementia care needs. Our last comprehensive inspection of the home was on 23 April 2014 where the home was judged to be non-compliant in relation to safe management of medication.  We also conduced a follow up inspection on 16 October 2014 to see if improvements had been made in relation to the safe handling of medicines. However, we found the provider was still non-compliant in this area. This inspection focussed on what improvements had been made since our last visit.

During this inspection we found a breach of the Health and Social Care Act (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 in relation to Safe Care and Treatment with regards to medication.

There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

We checked to see if medication was handled safely. During this inspection we looked at records about medicines for 14 people. We saw there was some good practice around medicines handling, however we still found concerns about medicines safety for all 14 people. This meant that overall people were still at risk because medicines were not being handled safely.

The people we spoke with and their relatives told us that they felt safe whilst living at the home. One person said to us; “I do feel very safe. If I ever feel unwell they are there straight away and do something about it”.

During the inspection we spoke with staff about their understanding of safeguarding vulnerable adults. Each member of staff was able to describe the process they would follow if they suspected abuse was taking place. One member of staff said; “Initially I would report my concerns to the manager or team leader to seek further advice on what to do. I would also check that it has been followed up and that something was being done about it”.

We looked to see whether there were enough staff in order to meet people’s care requirements. The nursing unit was staffed by four care assistants and a lead nurse for the unit. This was to provide care for 23 people. Both the residential and dementia unit were staffed by two care assistants and a team leader who seemed to work between both units. There were 22 people living on the residential unit and nine people living on the dementia unit. An additional member of staff was working on the residential unit during the inspection, who had worked at the home previously in a student placement role, but had not yet undertaken any formal training. Through speaking with staff they felt staffing levels were not adequate, particularly on the residential and dementia units. One member of staff said; “Staffing levels are very bad on here. With the team leader working between two floors, there are often only two of us down here. We are constantly playing catch up. Sometimes it can be absolutely chaotic”.

We found staffing levels at the home were defined by the number of people living on each unit and not by the levels of dependency. This meant that at times there were insufficient staffing levels to offer the care required. However these were not being brought together to inform staffing levels. This meant the service could not demonstrate that staffing levels reflected the needs of people who use the service.

Through our observations during the day, we felt there were insufficient staffing levels at the home, to meet people’s needs in a timely manner. These issues meant there had been a breach of regulation 18 (1) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 in relation to Staffing.

We looked at staff personnel files to ensure that staff had been recruited safely, with appropriate checks undertaken. Each file we looked at contained application forms, CRB/DBS checks and evidence that at least two references had been sought from previous employers. CRB and DBS checks are used to establish if staff have any criminal convictions.

During the inspection we checked to see if the environment was suitable for people living with dementia and what adaptations had been made. We found these to be limited on the residential unit, where we were told approximately 20 people lived with dementia. For example, there was no signage around the unit, which would help people correctly locate where the dining room or lounge area was. Additionally, things such as hand rails and toilet seats were not bright in colour which again, would make them easier for people to locate. There were also no  specific memory boxes or items people could touch or relate to as they walked around the unit. The corridors on the unit were long and at times we saw people appeared confused about finding different rooms on the unit and asked where they were.

We looked at what training staff had undertaken to support them in their role. Staff had a variety of training at their disposal including moving and handling, safeguarding, MCA/DoLS, infection control and dementia. The majority of training was done through eLearning and we saw that approximately five members of staff were not up to date in all of these topics and that the completion dates for these courses had now expired. We raised this with both the home manager and area manager who were aware of this and that a deadline of the 30th June had been given for completion before moving to disciplinary procedure. We found that training for the remaining staff was up to date.

We observed the lunch time meal served at the home, on each of the three units. We saw staff displayed a good understanding of people’s nutritional needs and offered choice where necessary. Some people required a ‘modified’ diet and we saw this was provided for them in order for them to consume their food safely. Some people chose to eat in their bedroom and we saw staff took people their meals on request.

We saw that staff received regular supervision as part of their ongoing development. This provided an opportunity to discuss their workload, any concerns and any training opportunities they may have. We saw appropriate records were maintained to show these had taken place.

The people we spoke with and their relatives told us they were happy with the care provided by the home. One person living at the home said to us; “In general, I’m quite happy with the care here”.

We saw that people were treated with dignity, respect and were allowed privacy at times they needed it. We saw people looked clean, were well presented and were able to choose how they spent their day which was respected by staff. We saw that when entering people’s bedrooms to provide personal care, staff closed the doors behind them to respect people’s privacy.

We found that complaints were responded to appropriately, with a policy and procedure in place for people to follow when they needed it. Additionally, we saw that a response had been provided to the complainant, letting them know of any action that had been taken. A full description of the homes complaints procedure could be found in the homes ‘service user guide’, although was not displayed anywhere in the home.

There were various systems in place to monitor the quality of service provided to people living at the home. These included regular audits and by gaining feedback from the service through surveys which were sent to relatives and people who lived at the home. This was usually done each year.

We saw that there were regular audits and checks made by senior management of the company, which covered different aspects of the service. The most recent medication audit was done on 1 June 2015 stating that there was safe medicines management in the home. The audit failed to pick up the concerns we found during our inspection visit. This meant that the homes auditing processes were not always robust enough to identify concerns.

The staff we spoke with were positive about the leadership of the home. One member of staff said; “I think the manager is very good. She is very approachable and fair. I feel I can also speak with her as a friend”.

16th October 2014 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

Pendleton Court is a nursing home located in Salford, Greater Manchester. The home is a large converted mansion house situated in an elevated position at the rear of a residential estate. Accommodation is on two floors in single en-suite bedrooms. A passenger lift provides access to each floor. The home is within walking distance of a local park and shops. It is also close to the local bus routes into Manchester city centre and Salford/Eccles and is close to the motorway network.

We looked at the personal care or treatment records of people who use the service, carried out a visit on 16 October 2014, observed how people were being cared for and talked with staff.

We asked if medicines were handled safely. Staff handling medicines had completed training but the home’s medicines policy was not consistently followed throughout the home. We found that the arrangements to ensure that any special label instruction such as, ‘before food’ were not consistently applied throughout the home and that some records of cream application were missing. This meant we could not tell when they had been applied.

This meant there had been a breach of regulation 13 with regards to the safe administration of medication

27th August 2013 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made pdf icon

We carried out a responsive inspection due to receiving information of concern relating to people’s nutrition and hydration needs and that people living at Pendleton Court were at risk. We were also made aware of a recent incident at the home with regards to a person’s nutritional needs requirements. This inspection focussed on the systems in place to ensure the safety of people who used the service.

We looked at the care files of six people who used the service and found there were nutrition/hydration assessments, care plans and risk assessments in each file. We noted where people were judged to be at risk, there were prevention measures in place. Each file we looked at contained a Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) and records to identify people were being weighed monthly or when required.

We observed staff had a good understanding of people’s nutrition and hydration requirements on the day of our inspection. Examples of this included staff being aware of which people required either a soft or pureed diet, and being aware of which people required assistance to eat and drink.

In order to ensure peoples nutrition and hydration requirements were consistently being met, all staff were required to attend further nutrition/hydration training, risk assessments had been updated and the registered manager had introduced a food audit system to check the quality of food being served and to ensure people’s specific dietary needs and requirements were adhered to.

10th April 2013 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

During our inspection to Pendleton Court Care Home we found that people had received a good standard of care that was appropriate to their own personal needs and requirements. As part of our inspection we spoke with five people who used the service, two members of staff, four family members, reviewed care documentation and looked at policies and procedures.

One person who used the service told us; “Yes, it’s ok here. I like the carers. They come and help me to get washed and dressed each day. The food is nice, there’s plenty of choice. Everything seems fine I have no complaints”.

We spoke with four families as part of our inspection and comments included; “The staff really do work hard. They are very caring. Although I think people’s needs are met at this home, I think they could have done with an extra member of staff or two on occasions”. Other comments included; “The care is great. They (the staff) go through the care plan with me sometimes to let me know what is going on”.

We found that there were to suitable arrangements in place to protect people from harm and abuse and that staff had received recent Safeguarding adults training.

We looked at how Pendleton Court Care Home monitored the quality of service provision at the home and also how they had dealt with previous complaints that had been received. We found that there suitable systems in place in both areas.

24th September 2012 - During an inspection in response to concerns pdf icon

We carried out this inspection because concerns had been raised about the care of people using the service, staffing levels and staff training.

We found that people could express their views and were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment.

People we spoke to during the visit said they had been consulted about their care. For example, one person said "The manager came to visit me before I was admitted to find out what my needs were and tell me what the home could provide". Two relatives told us they had been kept informed of any changes in their relatives' needs.

People’s needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan.

People we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the care they were receiving at the home. Comments included "I like it here" and "I’m very happy here and well looked after".

People we spoke with said that there were enough staff to meet their needs and that staff answered call bells promptly. One relative said they had previously had concerns about staffing levels, but these had been raised with the management and they were now happy with the numbers of staff provided.

There was a shortfall in staff training, in that only the manager had received training in the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty safeguards. This could potentially put people who lack mental capacity at risk of receiving inappropriate care.

1st January 1970 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

Pendleton Court is part of the Four Seasons care group. Pendleton Court is situated in Salford and provides accommodation and nursing care for 58 people and was fully occupied on the day of the inspection.

The home is a large converted house situated in an elevated position at the rear of a residential estate. The home is set in mature gardens. Accommodation is on two floors in single en-suite rooms. A passenger lift provides access to each floor. The home is within walking distance of a local park and shops. There is parking for several cars to the front of the property. The home is close to local bus routes in to Manchester city centre as well as Salford and Eccles.

The manager is currently in the process of applying to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to register as the manager for the home.  A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service and shares the legal responsibilities for meeting the requirements of the law with the service provider.

Prior to our inspection we also spoke with staff from the local authority commissioning team to ascertain their views about the service. They told us at this time there were no concerns.

We found the care plans provided information about the individual’s needs of people and directed staff in the safe delivery of people’s care, support and nursing needs. We saw the care plans were safely and securely stored ensuring that confidentiality was maintained.

The staff worked closely with health care professionals so people’s current and changing needs could be met.

Suitable arrangements were in place with regards to protecting people from abuse or unlawful practice. Staff worked closely with other agencies so people’s emotional , physical and health care needs were safely met.

CQC is required by law to monitor the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). We found the location to be meeting the requirements of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Whilst no applications have been submitted, proper policies and procedures are in place.

Positive comments on the quality and care of the service were received from people who use the service, people acting on their behalf and other visiting healthcare professionals.

People were offered a range of activities both in the home and in the local community, offering variety to their day. The home had a number of pets living at the home including birds, rabbits and cats. People to help take care of the pets if they wished to do so.

Robust recruitment policies and procedures were in place to check applicant’s suitability for working at the home.

Staff received ongoing training in areas of care and support relevant to their roles. This helped ensure staff could meet the individual needs of the people they cared for.

We were told staffing levels were assessed to make sure sufficient numbers of staff were available to meet people’s needs. However people spoken with told us they felt staffing levels could be improved.



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