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Care Services

carehome, nursing and medical services directory

Sanctuary Home Care Ltd - Barnet, 52 Church Hill Road, East Barnet, Barnet.

Sanctuary Home Care Ltd - Barnet in 52 Church Hill Road, East Barnet, Barnet is a Homecare agencies and Supported housing specialising in the provision of services relating to caring for adults over 65 yrs, caring for adults under 65 yrs, dementia, eating disorders, learning disabilities, mental health conditions, personal care, physical disabilities, sensory impairments and substance misuse problems. The last inspection date here was 15th June 2017

Sanctuary Home Care Ltd - Barnet is managed by Sanctuary Home Care Limited who are also responsible for 62 other locations

Contact Details:

      Sanctuary Home Care Ltd - Barnet
      Goodwin Court
      52 Church Hill Road
      East Barnet
      EN4 8FH
      United Kingdom


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: Good
Effective: Good
Caring: Good
Responsive: Good
Well-Led: Good
Overall: Good

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2017-06-15
    Last Published 2017-06-15

Local Authority:


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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

22nd March 2017 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

The inspection took place on the 22 and 24 March 2017.

Sanctuary Home Care Ltd –Barnet is a registered domiciliary care service that provides personal care to people who have a variety of needs. The service is registered at Goodwin Court an extra care service consisting of 63 flats. At the time of our inspection there were two vacant flats and three people were in hospital.

There was a registered manager in post who was familiar with the service. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

At our last inspection on the 30 March and 7 April 2016 we found three breaches of the regulations. At our inspection in 2016 we found breaches in staffing as staffing levels had not been reviewed to meet people’s increased needs. As such people were not always receiving the hours of support they were assessed to receive. At our visit in 2017 we found that people had been reassessed and some people had moved to more appropriate care settings where for example, their nursing support needs could be met. People were now receiving the support hours they were assessed to receive. However people told us staff were “always rushed” in particular at weekends. We found there had been some staff shortage due to staff sickness and difficulty in finding staff to work at short notice at the weekend. The registered manager had taken steps to address this by recruiting staff specifically to work at the weekend.

At the last inspection we found that some people with complex support needs had not been risk assessed to minimise the risk to themselves and others in a timely manner. In our inspection in March 2017 we found that risk assessments were thorough, detailed and updated to reflect changes in people’s circumstances.

In our inspection in 2016 we found that medicines were not always stored in a safe manner. At this inspection we found that there had been a change in the medicine administration and storage procedure. Medicines were now stored appropriately in people’s own flats and medicine administration guidance was clear and updated on a regular basis.

In our inspection in 2016 we found staff had not received appropriate training to support them in their role. During our visit in 2017 we found that staff had received training to support them and that they were receiving regular supervision sessions with their team leaders.

People told us they felt safe and staff demonstrated they knew how to report safeguarding adults concerns appropriately. The registered manager demonstrated they learned from safeguarding adult concerns and implemented new guidance for staff for instance when there had been medicine errors.

The registered manager was aware of their responsibility to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). Care records reviewed demonstrated that people were asked their consent, and mental capacity assessments and best interest meetings took place appropriately.

People were supported to access the appropriate medical services in a timely manner and were supported to eat a nutritious diet and to remain hydrated.

People described staff as caring and the service promoted people’s diversity support needs through written guidance and people’s care plans. Care staff were able to tell us how they respected people’s dignity and privacy. People had detailed person centred care plans that identified their support needs and how they wished to be supported. Staff supported people to attend communal activities within the service.

People told us they felt safe to complain and we saw that complaints had been recorded, investigated and apologies were written when appropriate.

The service had good lines of communication b

30th March 2016 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

The inspection took place on the 30th March and 7th April 2016. This was an announced comprehensive inspection. The was a scheduled planned inspection however at the time of inspection we found the local authority had temporarily suspended new placements to the service because they had concerns about the service being provided.

At the last inspection that took place in July 2014 the service met the standards inspected.

Sanctuary Home Care Ltd is registered domiciliary care service that provides personal care to people who may have dementia, mental health, eating disorders, learning disabilities and/or autistic spectrum disorder and people who misuse drugs and alcohol. At the time of inspection there were 66 people living at Goodwin Court receiving a service from Sanctuary Home Care Ltd.

There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

Goodwin Court is a purpose built block that provides extra care housing. Sanctuary Care Ltd undertook the housing management of the building separately to their care and support service. People live in their own flats. The building is fully accessible and has lifts to each floor. There are some communal areas such as a lounge and dining room, an activities room, a conservatory and quiet garden room with an accessible garden.

Most people told us they liked living at Goodwin Court describing staff as caring. We observed most staff to be respectful of people and friendly in their interactions with people.

We found that some people’s support needs had increased but the provider had not reassessed people’s needs in a timely manner and staffing levels had not been reviewed to meet the increased need. People were not always receiving the hours of support they were assessed to receive. There had been a high staff turnover in recent months with a high use of agency staff. The recently appointed registered manager had stopped the use of agency staff by time of inspection and recruited more permanent and bank staff to the service. However the team was still in the process of settling into their new role.

We found that some risk assessment had taken place and there were regular reviews however some people with complex support needs had not been risk assessed to minimise the risk to themselves and others in a timely manner.

Most people said they received their medicines on time, we found medicine storage was not appropriate but the service was in the process of changing the medicine storage arrangements and were working with people and their families to make the process safe.

Staff understood their responsibilities to report safeguarding adult concerns and concerns had been reported by the service to the appropriate authorities.

The service was clean and well maintained with regular environmental checks and repairs taking place.

People living at the service had capacity with regard to their care and treatment. The staff had received Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) training and asked people’s consent before they supported them.

Staff received supervision and yearly appraisals but had not received training in risk assessing, mental health awareness and managing behaviours that challenge the service. Staff required this training to undertake their role.

People received support to access appropriate health and social care services and with their nutritional intake. We found people had person centred plans but there was little exploration of people’s diversity needs and we found no end of life wishes recorded. We found there was a variety of both group and individual activities for people to undertake throughout the week.

People told us

29th July 2014 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

Two inspectors carried out this inspection. The focus of the inspection was to answer five key questions;

Is the service safe?

Is the service effective?

Is the service caring?

Is the service responsive?

Is the service well-led?

Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.

If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.

Is the service safe?

People are treated with respect and dignity by the staff. People told us they felt safe. Safeguarding procedures were in place and staff understood how to safeguard the people they supported. Training records showed that most staff had completed safeguarding adults training within the last six months.

There were effective recruitment and selection processes in place, and staff had been through induction and shadowing before starting work. This ensured that the staff were of good character and were competent enough to meet the care and welfare needs of people.

Is the service effective?

People’s health and care needs were assessed. Specialist dietary, mobility and equipment needs had been identified in care plans where required. People said that they had been involved in the care planning process and that they were happy with the care that was provided.

Is the service caring?

People were supported by kind and attentive staff. People told us that care workers showed patience and gave encouragement when supporting people. One person told us, “nothing is too much trouble for them.’’

People using the service, and their relatives, were contacted regularly to check if they were satisfied with their care. People’s preferences, interests, aspirations and diverse needs had been recorded and care and support had been provided in accordance with people’s wishes.

Is the service responsive?

People’s needs had been assessed before they moved into the scheme. People had access to activities that were important to them. People knew how to make a complaint if they were unhappy. The provider had a robust complaints procedure that was accessible to people who use the service.

Is the service well-led?

Staff told us that the management team was "always routing’’ for people who used the service and "responded very quickly.’’

Staff told us they were very happy with their managers, "she is good at providing support whenever you need it.’’

Another person told us " she is very involved and I have a lot of confidence in her.”

Staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities, and had a good understanding of the ethos of the agency, quality assurance processes were in place. This helped to ensure that people received a good quality service at all times.

5th April 2013 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

People we spoke with told us that they were happy with the service they received. They said they were asked about the kind of assistance they needed and this was put into practice by the carers. One person commented,” I find it hard giving up my independence but I never feel embarrassed by staff.”

People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. We looked at three care plans and saw that people's needs had been assessed before they started receiving services and that this assessment involved social workers and other professionals.

The service had a safeguarding policy and procedures to follow if abuse was alleged or suspected. Staff we spoke had an awareness of safeguarding policies and procedures. They had received training in safeguarding of vulnerable adults.

Staff received appropriate supervision and appraisal. We saw that in addition to annual appraisals, formal supervision meetings took place approximately every eight weeks. Staff we spoke with said that they had been supervised and felt supported in their work.

The provider told us that a tenant meeting took place approximately every eight weeks to discuss people’s issues and concerns. We looked at the minutes of the last meeting (March 2013) and saw that the group discussed a number of issues including restaurant renovations and the introduction of a new on-site advocacy service.

10th August 2012 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

We spoke with six people who told us were content with the quality of service provided. They told us staff were friendly and respectful and confirmed their privacy and dignity were always respected. People told us “Staff knock before they come in”. We observed that staff were pleasant to people.

Everyone we spoke with knew how to make a complaint and those who had done so were satisfied that their complaints were properly investigated. People told us they had access to hospital appointments and to health care and social care professionals such as doctors, opticians, chiropodists and social workers.

There were a number of systems in place to monitor and to make improvements to the quality of care and support provided to people by the home.

3rd August 2011 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

We discussed with people using the service if they were treated with respect and dignity by staff. One person told us that staff always knock on the door before entering the flat. The person gave an example of an emergency system if people do not respond when staff knock at their door. Staff would get a senior member of staff who would be able to access the flat with a master key, the person told us that they would never enter the flat without knocking and being invited by the person to enter the flat.

People using the service confirmed that they had knowledge of their care plan and had been involved in the assessment, which formed part of the care plan. Comments made by people using the service, "My care plan is in my flat and I have regular meetings and discuss my care".

People using the service told us that they felt safe at Goodwin Court and raised no concerns about their safety and security.

People using the service confirmed that staff supported them with the administration of medication. They told us that medicine is safely stored in a lockable cupboard within peoples' flat.

People using the service confirmed in the satisfaction survey undertaken in May 2011, that they were satisfied with their carer and the care and treatment provided by the agency.

People using the service told us that they took part in monthly tenants meetings, which allowed them to contribute to the quality of service provided.



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