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Care Services

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Tamworth House Dental Practice, Tamworth.

Tamworth House Dental Practice in Tamworth is a Dentist specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 7th April 2020

Tamworth House Dental Practice is managed by Rodericks Dental Limited who are also responsible for 74 other locations

Contact Details:


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Effective: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Caring: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Responsive: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Well-Led: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Overall: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2020-04-07
    Last Published 2012-12-08

Local Authority:


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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

7th November 2012 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

Our visit was arranged two days in advance. This was to ensure that we had time to meet with staff working at the practice, as well as people registered with the service.

We saw computerised patient records which were up to date. Records we saw showed that people were included in discussions about their treatment options, before they agreed to any treatment. People told us that treatment was arranged at a time convenient to them. Costs involved in treatment were discussed. People we spoke with told us they were happy with the care they received. We were told “The dentist did a thorough mouth check. I was given information about how to look after my teeth." "They were great, they explained everything that was going to happen."

We saw that the dental practice looked clean. People we spoke with told us that the surgery was always clean and that dentists and dental nurses wore protective clothing. We saw records to demonstrate that the surgery was cleaned regularly.

We saw annual staff appraisal records, we were told that weekly dental team talk meetings took place and staff meetings were also held every six to eight weeks. From records seen and discussions with the practice manager we noted that staff received the necessary support to enable them to do their job.

Quality assurance systems included satisfaction surveys,a suggestions box and various audits undertaken by the practice manager. Robust quality assurance systems were in place.



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